Mon, 8 November 2021 - By Marco Biagioli and Erica Melargo
Life, career and curiosity of an authentic person!
Good afternoon Britalians TV viewers, hello beautiful woman, hello handsome man!
Today on Britalians TV something exceptional.
Special guest a true Britalian: the actress Jane Alexander! (yeaaaah!)
For our Erica and Marco it’s like coming home: they left Italy years ago and came to England; she was born in England, and ten days later she flew to Rome, living in Italy above all but feeling English and always remembering her British origins.
Marco: “Where is your British accent?”
Jane never had a British accent. Her father dubbed movies from Italian to English, but to have an international market you had to speak American, not a particular British accent. Moreover, having attended an American school in Rome, she absorbed this peculiarity.
However, she feels British, not American.
What then can show her Britishness?
The passport, but also the physiognomy of the face, but especially the red hair and freckles.
Marco: “What do you miss about being British?”
Jane misses coming to England to see her relatives, the countryside, the farmhouses, the greenery, a different way of life: the cup of tea her dad used to bring her after a fight.
Jane is an actress, though she’s not sure she is.
Between the good character and the bad character, she prefers the bad guy or the sexy person in a movie.
Jane speaks fluent Italian, without English accents, but typically Roman.
And she doesn’t sing, maybe sometimes in the shower, but no, no.
Among the most amazing parts of the show is definitely the game part. The phrase to be said in three different ways is: “If you see something that doesn’t look right speak to the staff or text the British Transport Police.”
And here is all the cleverness of Jane in acting while giving birth and in front of the doctor and five ex or husbands; in a sensual way; without food for three days to the partner.
Then the most meaningful and serious part of the interview, where we get right into Jane.
“Do you want something in your career that you wish someone had told you in advance?” our two super Britalians ask.
And Jane answers, “Of course!”
The need to know your lines by heart. And always listening to what people say because you’re not better but it’s better to listen to others, accepting criticism and what you’re being told.
Jane doesn’t adopt main techniques in acting, she’s an instinctive actress who always listens, because maybe you do what you understand to do but there’s something else that’s required that you have to have the patience to know how to listen to grasp.
That’s what she learned from her daddy: redoing even fifty times the same things but getting into that perspective.
It’s a very English trait.
Moving on to the dating life in the wake of Marco’s wave of optimism and sympathy, Jane is neither single nor on the market: she is at home, with her boyfriend behind the camera.
When pressed by Marco, she replies that yes, in a relationship it would be better to have secrets… but she is not good at keeping them.
Another battery of questions starts.
No, Jane has never been called by the Police, if she were a ghost for a day she would go and scare people and she is fine with the man she is with.
But she likes to do crazy things though.
And do things that people don’t usually do.
She would love to play an action role in a movie and with her physical condition not at its best she would prepare for three months to be up to the role.
During her quarantine, Jane did no exercise, cooked and ate, watched TV series, took the dog to the potty and oops, almost forgot: watched our show! As well as gardening in her large yard.
She is an animal lover, Jane, who loves cats (she has three at home) and dogs (she has one) indifferently.
She is the only woman in the house and lives with her husband and two children in addition to these just mentioned.
And if she were a man, what would Jane do?
Well maybe the things that men can do and she can’t and…
Marco: “Would you take back someone who cheated on you?”
“You asked the wrong person because it was me on the other side and I was taken back.
So definitely.
I definitely believe in second chances.”
In these ups and downs of questions, from the more serious to the more playful, the climax leads to the final levels of life lived.
Jane started out as an actress not really choosing it. She was a model. Her dad worked as a voice actor. And she liked this life: she was always on the road, and still earning money.
After doing an English course for actors, the participation in a game show with a large audience made her popular: from there the calls to be an actress. A job she wasn’t sure about, but in the end it was a lot of fun.
Thrown on the scene so casually, she maintains the humility of not wanting to be too much and being thrown on a scene without knowing too much what to do but trying to give the best of herself, an example of professionalism and…Britishness!
Jane at the end thanked our two Britalians for making her completely forget that they were doing an interview with her…well, maybe it will be worth watching!