Fri, 16 July 2021 - By Elisa Forte
Marco and Erica interview actor Lorenzo Patanè
The next guest is the actor and acting coach Lorenzo Patanè, better known as Robert Saalfeld by the fans of the German soap opera Tempesta d’amore.
Originally from Catania, his parents moved to Germany to open a restaurant when he was really young. After they split up, his dad moved back to Italy, while he stayed with his mum in Germany, where he currently lives in Munich. Because of that, he got the perfect combination of creativity and strictness for the Italian and German cultures, respectively.
Marco is always curious about the dating situation of Between 2 Italians’ guests! Lorenzo doesn’t say much, but he has noticed differences between the German and the Italian dating market. However, love is universal and we are all involved no matter where we are from.
Is he able to cry and laugh on cue? Lorenzo would definitely be able to do that, but let’s listen to his perspective about comedy and drama!
Marco and Erica aren’t done with acting games and they ask him to deliver the line “please, mind the gap between the train and the platform” in three different ways.
Delving into his job, which acting aspect makes him close to acting? Lorenzo talks about the evolution of his passion and right now he perceives it as a tool to daily discover new aspects about himself and about the world around him.
How is he coping with quarantine? How is the situation in Germany? Although he is aware of the seriousness of this moment, his daily life hasn’t changed much because he was used to a quarantine life even before. His life has always been divided between home and work and he is happy with that. The only difference is that now he has more time to spend on other creative activities such as painting, which has always been part of his life as it calms him down.
Speaking of which, he tells that he went through a period when he wasn’t creative for almost two years! Ended up with little money, he spent them to buy the necessary to start painting again. It was after this creativity crisis that he decided to create his brand.
What is he working on at the moment? Lorenzo is working on a lot of stuff, such as his brand, his YouTube channel and he is every day shooting the soap opera Tempesta d’amore, where he has been performing the role of chef Robert Saalfeld since 2005.
Marco and Erica have really enjoyed the time spent with Lorenzo Patanè and they hope to meet him in person, perhaps in Sicily!