Wed, 25 May 2022 - By Marco Biagioli and Erica Melargo
Marco and Erica meet Pamela Mukherjee, “a fashionable girl who loves to travel”
Marco and Erica meet the wonderful Pamela Mukherjee, in this episode of Between 2 Italians, where they discuss her life in and out of #Quarantine, and she and Marco envy each other’s hair! Pamela is, in her own words, “a fashionable girl who loves to travel”, and she runs the lifestyle and travel blog, Every Corner of World, (no, I didn’t miss out a word there, but more on that later!).
After a brief discussion of our presenters’ fashion choices, Marco and Erica introduce the fashionista herself (whose background just so happens to match Erica’s bright pink shirt perfectly), who is there live from lockdown in New Delhi, India. Marco and Erica give their best efforts to the pronunciation of Pamela’s surname, with a rather Italian twist, which she very kindly corrects, and the interview is off to a great start! Pamela soon begins to show her passion for her blogging, explaining to Marco and Erica what ‘lifestyle’ means to her. Just like this episode, that term encompasses a huge number of things, including, travel, fashion, and food, as well as “passion, people and culture”, three things which Marco and Erica love to feature more than anything!
One of Marco and Erica’s questions for Pamela is asking what a typical Tuesday morning is like for her, and her reply that everything is different because of the pandemic is surely quite relatable for us all. While normally Pamela might be at work, these days she’s used to having “a lazy morning” with a coffee, which sounds quite familiar to me! Lots of people have found themselves with more time to explore their hobbies due to quarantine, and Pamela is no different, as she is spending some of her time reading the Japanese author Haruki Murakami, prompting Erica to give Marco a little telling-off for joking that he wrote The Great Gatsby… oh dear. While Pamela is reading Murakami in translation, she does enjoy learning languages, with our presenters being thoroughly shocked that Italian hasn’t made her ‘Top Three’ of new ones to learn, though her favourite food is pizza, which surely makes up for it… right?
Naturally, Pamela loves to travel, so Marco and Erica’s questions allow her to discuss her globe-trotting adventures and all the things she gets up to when abroad. I’m sure most of us don’t spend a lot of our time rescuing animals on holiday, but Pamela tells our hosts about the pigeons, dogs, and other animals that she takes under her wing (pardon the pun) and into her own home to nurture them back to health- what an incredible thing to do! While Pamela works in marketing as well as running her blog and YouTube channel, her response to Marco and Erica’s mini acting game (no spoilers- go watch it!) was really impressive- is there anything she can’t do?
Every Corner of World might seem like an unusual name for a blog at first but Pamela’s reasoning behind the name is amusing and heartwarming. What started with a typo became a sign of appreciating imperfections, a truly important message which she discusses further in this episode of Between 2 Italians. Take a look at Pamela’s lovely blog at www.everycornerofworld.com to keep up with her travels and antics.
You can now watch this super fun episode in full on Britalians TV on ROKU in 18 countries worldwide, and on Amazon Prime Video in the UK and the US.