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The New di Caprio? Marco and Erica meet Jon Untersander

The New di Caprio? Marco and Erica meet Jon Untersander
Fri, 27 May 2022 - By Anumita Bagchi

Marco and Erica enjoy the company of the charismatic Jon Untersander in this episode of Between 2 Italians, for a fun and light-hearted interview. Through their conversation you will find out about the places this actor has lived, how he practises his craft, and even why he’s not so sure he would be a cat in another life- so stay tuned!


Jon moved to London just a few weeks prior to this interview in 2019, in order to pursue his dreams of acting. While he isn’t so sure about adopting the name of Leonardo di Caprio, though Marco is very much in favour, he does have some good advice and experience on how he gets into character. He stresses the importance of doing your research, really knowing the character’s backstory well, and properly stepping into their shoes. And of course, the importance of staying calm and learning your lines can never be understated! 


While Jon explains that he is still learning a lot in acting, and trying to find his own methods, he has also been in several short films already. He also reveals that one of his films, Quiet Land, Good People, even got to the final for the Student Oscars in Hollywood! Jon is originally from Switzerland, so Marco and Erica ask him what life was like there, where he grew up. Surprisingly, Jon compares it to life in the Roman British town of Chichester, where he also lived for a year, because of the greenery and quiet. 


Marco is curious as to whether Jon has ever got into any real trouble, so he answers that while he did once play a jailbird character, he himself is mostly on the straight and narrow, which is always good to hear! He gives a very inspirational message about how he made sure to stay true to himself while he was at school, which clearly paid off as he has become a confident and successful young man! 


Onto the more teasing questions, Marco and Erica of course cannot let a guest go without asking about their dating life, and Jon is no different! He is currently single, and reveals that he has a thing for Italian girls! And what animal would Jon be if he were one? He thinks he might be a cat if they weren’t so lazy… Naturally, as an actor, Jon must prove his talents to our hosts, so he has prepared a monologue. His performance is thrilling, convincing and so deeply gripping- you really must watch it to believe the talent from such a young man! 

Written by
Anumita Bagchi

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