Mon, 20 December 2021 - By Marco Biagioli and Erica Melargo
Marco and Erica meet the artist, collector and philanthropist Natalia Kapchuk
Good morning everyone!
Today is a glorious day according to Marco, he is very happy. After all, looking at the beautiful Erica, how can you not be happy in the morning?
And it’s the same for Erica with the amazing Marco.
For today’s song Marco has prepared several gadgets. He wears a cap and a pair of sunglasses with red lenses. Erica is wearing scuba goggles.
For those who haven’t met them yet (bad, very bad!) they are really serious and professional TV presenters, asking embarrassing questions to their guests.
And as Erica adds, they spread happiness every moment.
As for the questions they ask, if you audience members have anything in particular to ask our guests, don’t hesitate, they will take anything you want to know!
Today’s song is very famous, you can’t help but recognise it. Michael Jackson may be turning in his grave hearing it, but our guys sing a beautiful Heal The World from the heart.
“Heal the world / Make it a better place / For you and me / And the entire human race”. A beautiful message, to take care of the world around us and the people we meet every day. This is how those small individual gestures together form a big gesture full of love that represents humanity’s love for its planet and for itself.
No message could have been more appropriate to introduce today’s fantastic guest.
She is a fantastic artist, and in particular an eco-artist so an artist who cares about environmental issues and environmental artist. She is also an art collector and a philanthropist.
And our Marco and Erica will be asking her lots of questions, perhaps more than the number of trips she has made around the world!
They will talk about her origins, her education and the passion she has grown for art. They will address the technical aspects of creating a work of art, including inspiration. Not forgetting the influence of lockdown on everyday life. And then they will move on to private life, personal passions, especially for the environment and animals. And so on until we see the art collector Natalia and how this passion of hers came about. And finally, Natalia the philanthropist. We don’t want to reveal too much, but at some point, there will be a bombshell: Marco has prepared something for our guest to recognise her talent… are you ready to find out?
Meet Natalia Kapchuk, a Russian in London!
Natalia’s backdrop and Erica’s punishment.
Natalia Kapchuk is sat against a peculiar backdrop, with a large golden ball hanging on the wall, and roses.
She loves flowers, and if she had to describe herself with a flower she would choose the tulip.
This one in the background is really her work of art.
Marco: “Erica, as a punishment you can’t take off your glasses! You didn’t do what you were supposed to do this morning.”
Marco says Erica ran around the yard naked in the morning! “She’s eccentric.”
From Russia to London in search of inspiration.
Natalia is Russian and now lives in the city.
She lived in Russia until her twenties and then came to London, her city, which inspires her and makes her feel good.
She enjoys travelling a lot. This gives her inspiration for her artwork.
The lockdown limits her in this but on the other hand gives her time for inspiration, yoga, meditation and so on.
Erica: “How many artworks are you working on during this lockdown?”
Natalia is working on 3-4.
Then it depends on the work, the use of materials she uses depending on the inspiration.
In fact, each work is unique.
And if you want to see what the work consists of, on her Instagram page there are videos of her working on her latest works.
In just a few days or a few months, Natalia creates fantastic and unique works.
If she doesn’t like them she will redo them, she always has to be satisfied and tends to try to put into practice what she has in mind.
And this in her studio, which during the creative process closes itself to every curious glance: she needs to concentrate.
Marco: “Do you have bodyguards?”
Natalia’s dating life
Marco: “What is your dating life like? Are you single or on the market?”
Natalia lives with her partner, whom she did not meet in Russia, London, Dubai, travelling, but through two mutual friends who introduced them.
No social, no Tinder, just reality!
The passion for art
Erica: “You are a contemporary artist.
Why did you start studying art and when did you start?”
Natalia began her passion for art thanks to her mother who was an artist and sculptor. Surrounded by these works, she gradually learned the basics of ceramic sculpture.
Then she enrolled in art school for children where she broadened her field from these basics to more general art.
And she is inspired by her surroundings. She is a creative person and is always imagining something.
Her early travels have inspired her, but she has no difficulty in doing so.
In general, however, he takes a lot of inspiration from the forest, the oceans and the seas during his travels.
In particular, she is currently working on the work The lost planet in which he is dedicated to representing ecological themes through art. So by depicting the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest or Russia in the grip of fires he is linking himself to issues such as global warming, climate change, environmental damage, pollution and so on.
How the lockdown has affected everyday life. Passions and curiosities about Natalia
The lockdown is helping in her thinking to spend some time again for ourselves but also for the people around us so we are devoting a lot more time to relationships with our cases.
On the other hand, Natalia agrees with Erica that in a way this is making the planet breathe again. You can see the change taking place, there’s less pollution with fewer planes flying around, and everything is cleaner.
Erica: “We have birds and geese in the city. Marco plays with ducks!”
Marco: “We have ducks, bears and birds coming to the door. It’s free food! How do you cook them?
Are you vegetarian or do you hunt for food too?”
Natalia: “I don’t eat meat, I’m a vegetarian!”
Marco: “I see, a fox would be safe with you!”
Erica: “Thank God!”
Marco: “Regarding your inspiration to be an artist have you ever used drugs, alcohol, you must be drunk, or do you adopt other methods (mimics snorting)?”
No, Natalia does not.
Although she knows some appreciate them, but she doesn’t need them. She needs a clear mind and to be focused on her work.
Marco: “Do you have sexy underwear under there?
Natalia: “Unfortunately not!”
Marco: “That was on my list of questions!”
Natalia works out every day during quarantine.
She practices yoga, meditates, does cardio. So she tries to stay in shape.
And she also goes walking.
Marco: “Do you do it in a particular sequence? Like yoga first, Pilates and then run in the jungle?”
No Marco, the order doesn’t matter!
Natalia paints every day. She often has to finish the works she is working on. She always needs inspiration, but she tries to dedicate herself to it every day.
Natalia does not sing, and this is the second time she has been asked to do so today!
On the other hand, she dances, but only to good music and at a good party.
Natalia: the Art Collector
But our guest is really full of curiosities. Besides being an artist, she is an art collector.
Marco “Did you start collecting sea stones?”
Noooo, started going to different sellers around the world. To different galleries.
And she built up a network of good relationships with gallery owners and artists that got her hooked.
She collects artwork because in her opinion this is a way of loving art.
Art that she then exhibits in her home, because it gives pleasure, it gives positivity.
Marco’s Painting
Marco created a painting for the occasion and would like to have an opinion.
On a blue-yellow-blue-orange-violet-white gradient background appear the words “Britalians TV”, a spray can and a heeled runaway, as well as three smiley moulds. Amazing!
Natalia approves, Marco is talented!
Marco: “It’s my best piece.
It’s at discount at the moment.
1.5 million pounds.
To start with.
I’m also fine with monthly payments!
And you can hear our people trying their hand at saying “This painting is fantastic” in Russian under the supervision of Natalia, who is from Yekaterinburg, in the Urals.
Natalia, the Philanthropist
Finally, Natalia is a philanthropist.
She is now focused on the environment but is interested in supporting different organisations, from those that safeguard animals to many others.
And she started simply to help, and this passion has continued.
Marco: ‘In fact, if you want to help us too!
Erica, you said to take every opportunity!”
Love of Animals and Nature
Erica: “Have you ever rescued an animal or someone during your travels?”
Yes, she remembers a small squirrel in London’s Hyde Park while she was jogging!
Then unfortunately due to the beating, it died.
Marco: “Do you think the wild animals in London should be given a job?
Like delivering food or carrying mail?
I’ll talk to Boris!”
Natalia likes dogs a lot, especially big dogs.
She doesn’t keep one in the house because she is aware of the responsibility of keeping them, they are like children!
Then, travelling a lot, taking care of a dog would become problematic!
Marco: ‘I feel like a dog without Erica.
Without her, I’m lost.”
Erica: “I can’t leave you when I travel, I always have to take you along!”
Natalia likes her work to talk about what she likes and is committed to: nature, the environment, our beautiful planet.
Behind her is the Golden Desert.
And it is beautiful that in connection with what she wants to protect she uses natural elements such as tree bark, sand, stones, fermented moss, dried flowers, very characteristic!
Truffle hunting in Italy…pay attention!
Marco: “Have you ever been in dangerous situations?”
Natalia: “How dangerous?”
Marco: “Like in prison, arrested?”
Hahaha, no. In Italy, however, she risked falling while “hunting” truffles, “Mamma Mia!”
When Love of Art becomes Love for the Planet!
Natalia brings a beautiful message to the world. Her art is beautiful and inspiring! Rich in colours as Marco points out.
Erica: “We hope to see your works even more around the universe!”
Marco: “We hope NASA takes them far away!”
A wonderful, fantastic, inspiring guest.
An environmental activist like Leonardo DiCaprio.
And she takes care of the planet like our Erica, who always thinks about its preservation with small daily things: she uses less plastic, she uses ceramic glasses, she recycles.
And to you too, the invitation to safeguard natural art, the marvellous beauty of your planet!
So if you want to be won over by the beauty of art and love for nature, the environment and your planet, don’t hesitate to watch this beautiful episode!