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Delving into the private life of a singer

Delving into the private life of a singer
August 5, 2021 - By Elisa Forte

Marco and Erica meet Rebecca Wedgwood

Marco and Erica are going to meet the next guest at Doppio Coffee Warehouse. It’s the singer Rebecca Wedgwood. 

Marco and Erica have tons of questions and Rebecca doesn’t know what is going to expect her!

Let’s start talking about sport: Rebecca does heavy lifting and she has recently signed up for a competition. Good luck! 

What about friendship? Are friends important to her? She is really grateful to have the support of her friends, she couldn’t live without them! Marco has an interesting follow-up question: does friendship between men and women exist? Or is there always anything under the table? She doesn’t see any problem, it’s only important to have boundaries, as for any other kind of relationship. How to make boundaries? Does she usually ask for help from her lawyer? 

Speaking of which, how does she spend time with her friends? Good food, wine, music and nice conversations seem to be the perfect ingredients for a night out with friends.

But Marco still has something unclear about friendship between men and women. What’s her secret to cope with that? Rebecca underlines the importance of respect in order to avoid possible misunderstandings. 

The border between friendship and love is rather blurred, so they move to Rebecca’s dating life. Marco recognises that these are two sides of a coin. 

Rebecca is a romantic person and she tells some dates gone wrong. What are the most terrible excuses received from her dates? And what does she usually say to skip a date?

Enough embarrassing questions, it’s time to put her at ease. How does she describe herself? What are her biggest fears? Sharks, spiders and snakes are the top three, but the list doesn’t end here.

Rebecca livens up the atmosphere with her songs. There is a guitar on the table next to them. What a coincidence! It seems impossible that she started singing only a few years before, but that’s the truth! Rebecca is very talented!

Marco and Erica always have some backup embarrassing questions, this is a certainty! But sometimes they prefer to ask normal, day-to-day questions: does she have a car? Rebecca says that she likes driving but at the moment she doesn’t have a car. Moreover, her dad has been a racing driver!

It has been really nice to meet Rebecca and have a coffee together at Doppio Coffee Warehouse. Her amazing voice has been appreciated by everyone present, for sure! 

By Britalians TV
Written by
Elisa Forte , Elisa Forte

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