Mon, 18 October 2021 - By Marco Biagioli and Erica Melargo
Turning your dream into reality: Cook Off.
Good afternoon Britalians TV viewers, hello beautiful man, hello handsome woman!
Are you already about to close the window and move on to something more entertaining?
Wait a minute, there is something and someone interesting for you!
She, in the blue sleeveless dress (it’s hot!) is Erica, he, with a very elegant shirt is Marco, the two fantastic: the nice and serious Erica and the playful “cheetah” Marco!
And just think, the quarantine has become the occasion for a fantastic trip!
From their English-Italian kitchen (on the right in the background the unfailing Italian Moka instead of the traditional English kettle), today they arrived in Zimbabwe, meeting the smiling actress Tendaiishe Chitima!
The girl’s beautiful smile, nothing could be whiter. Their smile, compared to hers, is nothing: The sunshine in our little clouds!
How beautiful is Tendaiishe Chitima?
With that very white, 32-tooth smile. Behind her a sentence: “The Lord has written the promise of the resurrection of every leaf in the spring.”
You have to believe it because it will be so!
And that’s the message behind her film, The Cook Off.
The struggle to dream, to fulfil your dreams. Even if things are not going as we would like, what happens maybe is not what we want, we have to follow our dreams: this makes us happy!
Tendaiishe happily remembers the making of this film… people using their friends… ah no funds, funds, darn Marco, to make it happen!
A collaboration of a lot of people, a fantastic experience.
Many interviews, even before ours, unfortunately, but ours has something exceptional: it was the first live Instagram in Europe!
Are we proud of Erica and Marco?
Tendaiishe lives in Zimbabwe, a land rich in wild animals that can be admired in the safaris so fascinating and sought after by tourists: giraffes, lions, rhinos, elephants, hippos, Marco… like Marco? Ah no, sorry cheetahs, cheetahs. But why are we confused?
Marco is the cheetah of London: can you see him trying to catch the bus that is leaving the metropolis? Here he is!
But what animal could his jokes resemble?
Ah yes to a chetah, not the cheetah this time, the monkey!
Meanwhile, Erica with the fire extinguisher defuses all the jokes.
What about you reading do you have a partner or are you “on the market” as Marco asks?
If you are on the market, you have a chance with Tendaiishe, don’t miss it!
But are you extroverted?
Well then forget it, she likes introverts. She likes people who are laid back, with an inner calm. At the same time, however, she likes a supportive partner who will support her being extroverted and her dreams without limiting her, but “balancing” her.
Erica: “You complement each other!”
Marco: “So you need someone who doesn’t talk, who supports you in mottos?”
Tendaiishe Chitima: “But nooo, he must also speak!”
Chitima not only in fiction but also in reality likes to cook certain dishes. In particular the
“Sadza”, one of the typical dishes of Zimbabwe, a porridge of hard wheat, but not so hard as Marco says! Otherwise, you could build houses with it!
What is Johannesburg like with Covid?
Restrictions have dropped, the danger level is three.
Interesting that alcohol is not allowed: it is believed that it reduces the defences of your immune system.
No Marco, lions and elephants cannot take Covid19, don’t worry!
Marco: “What part of your movie do you feel is closest?”
Tendaiishe: “I don’t want to spoil it, because I want people to watch it!”
Marco: “Come on, just the beginning!”
Tendaiishe: “My character is cooking…”
And what are Tendaiishe’s favourite dishes?
Aside from the traditional ones from her home country and her brother who inspired her a lot in cooking, she really likes a typical Italian dish: pasta.
Dazzled on her way to Rome last January, she can’t do without it since then!
And the same can be said for Ravioli and cheese.
Cuddly moment: virtual hugs for Tendaisihe.
This was Tendaiishe’s first feature film, her first experience as an actress, and one that introduced her to the world.
Excitement for waiting a long time and finally arriving on a set.
Even if in winter, a set hive of activity. With the “bees” covered by jackets and blankets getting ready to make the best of the story told.
Reality, materiality, touching, embracing!
Marco: “Of course when the quarantine is over you will come to us in presence won’t you?
Because we like to touch our guests, we need to physically assault them!”
Tendaliishe is busy, soon she has to go.
But before she goes three games.
From crying in pain to smiling with thirty-two teeth, a wonder!
But most of all to finish, in a thrilling climax the craziest scene: Tendaliishe returning the line by saying “watch out for the distance between the train and the platform!” putting the two steps together: first saying it in a sexy way and then while giving birth… amazing!
And on this scale, Marco’s comedy rises! Paranormal activity in Africa? No, no thanks!
And is there any chance of finding a wild animal outside the window, or who knows a lion driving a car downtown a tiger shopping in Zimbabwe?
Tendaiishe has never seen any, maybe our two Britalians might see them when they join her in Zimbabwe!
Maybe in the form where Erica asks Tendaiishe what she would do for a day: a ghost!
And so while Tendaisshe would be off to every corner of the earth, visiting her friends and possibly scaring them, our two heroes would be going to Zimbabwe to look for these amazing animals in the city centre!
But now we really have to leave Tendaiishe, next time we will have “normal” games and questions, maybe?
Of course, we can’t wait to see her smile again where it reflects that motto as Marco says, “Hakuna Matata” that comes from those very lands!
But by the way… will we be going back to Africa next time?
You’ll see it in the next episode!
Hakuna Matata!