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Psychic Craig Warwick sees Erica’s angel live

Psychic Craig Warwick sees Erica’s angel live
July 9, 2021 - By Elisa Forte

Marco and Erica meet the man who talks to angels

This interview is going to leave Marco and Erica speechless. Their next guest is Craig Warwick, the man who talks to angels.

Originally from England, he left London in 1997 because of a terrible episode that led him to look for quietness in the warm and welcoming Sicily. What happened to him is that he had been accused of the murder of a friend. Wrongly accused, Craig decided to go and look for the real murderer, but that didn’t turn out to be easy, as he found himself in the face of death. Craig tells Marco and Erica which gesture shocked his aggressor, thus stopping future deadly actions. 

Because of his psychic abilities, he started working with the FBI to support the research of missing people. Craig shares with Britalians TV the most memorable situations, pointing out that he doesn’t want to receive any kind of monetary reward. This is a gift that he has had since when he was a kid and he feels like being useful to other people for free. 

Then he moves on to talk about his friendship with Lady Diana and what he had the opportunity to see about her future when she was still alive. All things that later on turned out to be true. That’s incredible! Lady Diana was a psychic as well: she saw him on an island arguing with other people, thus anticipating his participation at the Italian programme “L’isola dei famosi”.

So Marco and Erica would like to delve into this chapter of this life: how did he reach the island? How did they feed themselves? And what did he learn from this extreme experience? Craig admitted that it was really difficult to live without all his clothes, but only with the same shirt and short pants! Since he was used to changing outfits many times a day, it was difficult for him to get used to this kind of minimalism. He also talks about the young 8-year-old angel he met and with whom he spent his last days before leaving the island due to a rib injury.

After all these stories about angels, Marco and Erica are curious: they want to know more about this special gift. How do meetings with angels work and how does he feel? Does he have the opportunity to meet evil spirits as well? Craig confirms it and he tells that once he had to leave a town because of the presence of negative spirits living there. 

Marco and Erica are interested to know if he sees something between them. Craig admits that he can see a spirit with them. He describes his perception in detail: that’s exactly Erica’s grandpa! With tears in her eyes, Erica is speechless! 

Marco is really happy for Erica, but he looks sad because he is worried about being completely alone. But Craig reassures him: he is a beautiful person and he has to trust himself. This is the moment to make his dreams come true!

The interview continues with other incredible stories and life tips. Craig shares his biggest reward: see people smiling! He wants to encourage everyone to believe in themselves; everything is possible, just believe and work for your dreams! 

This conversation has been full of emotions, thank you Craig! 

By Britalians TV
Written by
Elisa Forte , Elisa Forte

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