Fri, 29 July 2022 - By Marco Biagioli and Erica Melargo
Buongiorno Bosa
The day has finally arrived. It is our final day in Sardinia and the last episode of this season of Humans Of The World.
Although filled with a sense of sadness, I felt a wave of excitement wash over me when I remembered that a second season would be returning with our favourite presenters Marco and Erica.
As I clicked play, I had a feeling the episode would start up on the hill looking down on the rest of the gorgeous town and I was correct! The first place they visit is the castle on the hill also known as The Castle of Serravalle.
Marco states he would love to rule over people in a castle as a king with servants waiting on him hand and foot, even going so far as calling himself “Lord Marco”. Quite a huge leap from wanting to be a mayoral candidate. Does this mean his dream of becoming a mayor is on hold for now?. They engage in back in forth banter that have slight innuendos attached to them. But it is all good fun and is a lighthearted start. I knew from this opening introduction that it was going to be another enjoyable segment.
Marco and Erica are then introduced to Maria Christina, their tour guide of the castle and its surrounding grounds. As she has been in the profession for a long time, she is able to impart words of wisdom. When asked for some advice about starting out in the profession, she states that she clearly enjoys her work and finds fulfilment in it. Looking at the castle, it’s clear to see why, as it offers a gorgeous view and a place rich with history. She had to do extensive study, but it paid off as she is able to translate the joy she feels in her job to others when showing them around.
Maria takes them to a church which is located in the castle and it is fascinating. It is relatively untouched due to the paintings engraved into the wall (looking quite weathered) and the paint that has slowly peeled off over the centuries. The space is smaller than I expected, but with the light streaming in and the imposing statue, (I assume is the Virgin Mary), it feels quite cosy. I can imagine on a snowy winter day taking refuge in there admiring the dense history surrounding me.
“Teach A Man To Fish, You Feed Him For A Lifetime”
Finally walking over the otherside of the bridge in Bosa, they take a gander down to the river and talk to two local fishermen, Fabio and Alesandro. The men are examples of expert multitaskers, partaking in an extensive interview while expertly gutting and slicing the fish they have caught, (clearly two men proficient in muscle memory, I’m envious of them because I wish I could multitask).
When asked about their wives and children, they state that they are providers for their family. Mastering the skills required to be a successful fisherman has paid off because the huge bucket of fish sitting between them shows that their business is booming. With the large quantity of fish floating in their bucket, it’s like a fish monger’s wet dream.
Marco asked if they offered their future wives to be fish. A pack of fresh rainbow trout brought on a first date wouldn’t be the most unusual thing that’s ever happened on a first date (I’m sure far weirder things have happened). Unironically their wives don’t eat fish and I don’t blame them. If I married someone that worked with fish the last thing I’d want is fish and chips or a fish pie.
As the gentlemen that they are, they invite Marco and Erica to have dinner with them the following night as well as to a barbecue they will have.
Carnival Culture
The time has finally come for the infamous “Bosa Carnival” to commence and our presenters are induced into the tradition of the carnival. The festival starts off relatively calm and welcoming, they are sat around a table with a large group of people enjoying a bountiful meal consisting of various breads, cheese, salami, olives and pasta as well as numerous bottles of wine and beer on the table.
Marco states “I’m afraid because I don’t want Erica to get pregnant today, that’s my only concern” with Erica jokingly saying “We’ll remember this for life”. With the infamous Bosa festival being known for it, I would say be weary. The festival gets chaotic, with them having their faces dotted with burnt wine corks and their faces smeared with the remaining burnt wine corks.
The carnival is a festival for all the Bosa residents to celebrate. Bosa is known as a small wine town and that is reflected in the various wine workshops and wine cellars that are dotted around the town. The artisanal and industrial manufacturing of cork is an art all across Sardinia.
Cork is considered one of Sardinia’s most characteristic natural resources and products made by hand with cork are everywhere. There are hundreds of cork laboratories and companies, (or as they’re called in Italian “sugherifici”), both large and small. Items made of cork are also exhibited and sold at ISOLA in Cagliari where Marco and Erica got their hands dirty with clay and learnt a bit of pottery making in episode 3, Isola is a great supporter of the island’s makers and artists.
After lunch, Marco and Erica interview Peppe, who is dressed in a huge overcoat with long blue flowing material and burnt cork spread across his face looking like, as Marco put it, “someone that burns people”. (I think he looks more like a bit of a crazed monk). His outfit is a traditional outfit that is commonly worn and seen at the carnival.
Peppe then brings his friend into the interview. He calls upon his friend Fabio “The King of Bosa”. Fabio should be careful, or he could find Marco coming for the title, he did state he wants to be a king, (specifically a lord), at the beginning of the episode. Perhaps they could fight for the title, where’s the boxer from Cagliari? He could be the judge.
Fabio is wandering around playing guitar like a busker in a train station. Fabio’s face is covered with burnt cork and he is sporting a chequered shirt, tucked in, as well as suspenders and white glasses with no lens in them, (his lensless glasses add to his hipster aesthetic). Peppe sings a song (clearly having had a few drinks), with Fabio strumming the guitar. It was no Ed Sheeran performance, but it wasn’t terrible either.
They journey down to the cellar and Peppe, (who I previously thought before was a crazed monk), discloses that he is a baker. Marco, with always impeccable timing, pulls a large loaf of bread from behind his back. They show our presenters where the magic happens…I’m of course talking about them showing where the wine is made.
“Shine Bright Like A Diamond”
The final location where they visit is a jewellery shop called Gioielleria Stefano Ruggiu in the centre of Bosa. Marco, as always a savvy business, states that he would like to work in a jewellery shop and sell watches. That’s another thing I can add to the growing list of things Marco would like to be: mayor, king and now jeweller.
They learn how to make their own rings from the shop’s jewellery maker/expert. I hope the windows are open and the fans are on because it’s going to get hot! A metal is selected, (typically sterling silver), then subjected to extreme heat and moulded into shape. The whole process is repeated over until the process is complete and the jewellery is made.
When it is completed, a beautiful ring is crafted. Marco bestows Erica with the ring and puts it on her finger. Perhaps this is Marco’s way of dropping a hint as to what awaits him and Erica in the future? We’ll be watching and waiting for the big question to be asked.
Sardinian Sendoff
Here we are. It has finally arrived, the conclusion of the first season of Humans Of the World. Our two presenters have shown us all the wonders that Sardinia has to offer. There have been laughs, interviews and gorgeous locations. Through it all, we’ve learnt that there are still many wonderful things to uncover from the island, (maybe the viewer will be more inclined to book a ticket to Sardinia after watching this first season).
All the cooking tutorials, architecture and stores show that Cagliari and Bosa are both towns that are steeped in rich culture that blends modern with old. The family oriented values instilled in those from the towns show just how much of a community spirit is infused in everyone. It feels welcoming and somewhere that a person would want to live.
I can’t wait to see what is in store for our two presenters when the second season of Humans Of The World returns. Maybe a new country? Perhaps more cooking tutorials? More (unsuccessful) matchmaking? Another new profession to add to the list that Marco has made? Whatever the future has in store for the series, I can’t wait to see it return and eagerly wait until it’s time to explore again with our two favourite presenters Marco and Erica.